School Safety Program (Arizona)

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    Funder Type

    State Government

    IT Classification

    B - Readily funds technology as part of an award


    Arizona Department of Education (ADE)


    The School Safety Program was established for the purpose of placing School Resource Officers (SRO) and Juvenile Probation Officers (JPO) on school grounds to contribute to safe school environments that are conducive to teaching and learning. Through comprehensive prevention and intervention approaches, School Safety Program funded officers maintain a visible presence on campus; deter delinquent and violent behaviors; serve as an available resource to the school community; and provide students and staff with Law-Related Education instruction and training. Officers develop positive interactive relationships with the students, the staff, and the community that they serve. This proactive, prevention-based program is cultivated through collaborative working partnerships between officers, school administration, teachers, and police and juvenile probation departments.

    The School Safety Program has the following goals and objectives: 

    • Goal: The School Safety Program contributes to an orderly, purposeful atmosphere, which promotes the feeling of safety conducive to teaching and learning. This goal has the following objectives: 
      • Staff feels that the school is safe, and administration supports and monitors the consistency of actions/strategies/policies that will improve or maintain that feeling of safety.
      • Students feel that the school is safe. They feel free from the threat of physical harm and verbal abuse. They feel they have an adult to go to with their safety concerns, and they feel their concerns are taken seriously and addressed.
      • Staff and students have a positive view of the SRO/JPO. 
    • Goal: To teach Law-Related Education that promotes a safe, orderly environment, and good citizenship. This goal has the following objectives: 
      • The Arizona State Board of Education oversees the process to ensure the continuous review and provision of instructional materials that promote a safe, orderly environment, and good citizenship
      • Officers conduct 180 hours of Law-Related Education instruction per year.
      • Officers annually attend an Oversight Committee approved Law-Related Education academy/class to enhance their classroom skills and knowledge of appropriate LRE lessons.

    History of Funding

    2019 School Safety Program awards can be viewed at:

    Additional Information

    Additional information regarding the roles of officers, recommended qualifications, job descriptions, and office training can be viewed in the 2018 Program Guidance


    Jenny Walker

    Jenny Walker
    1535 West Jefferson Street
    Phoenix, AZ 85007

  • Eligibility Details

    Eligible applicants are Arizona public schools, through their districts or charter holders.

    Deadline Details

    Applications were to be submitted by September 27, 2019 and April 15, 2020. The next opportunity to apply will be spring, 2023.

    Award Details

    Award amounts vary.

    Related Webcasts Use the links below to view the recorded playback of these webcasts

    • Funding Classroom Technology to Empower Students and Teachers - Sponsored by Panasonic - Playback Available
    • Maximizing Technology-friendly Workforce Development Grants - Sponsored by Panasonic - Playback Available
    • Funding Data-driven Workforce Development Projects - Sponsored by NetApp - Playback Available


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